Ventilated Bee Jacket 2017-12-14T16:36:56+00:00

Project Description

Ventilated Bee Jacket

wz Round Veil

$25per piece

wz accordion Veil

$27per piece


Our ventilated pull-over beekeeping jacket offers a perfect balance of coolness, affordability, and protection from stings.

Made from a cotton polyester blend this ventilated bee jacket is extremely breathable and easy to throw on for a quick check on the ladies. Double Velcro enclosures provide protection from pesky bees trying to crawl inside your jacket.

Featuring a detachable mesh veil, and the elastic bands around the wrist allow for maximum protection. Another convenient feature is thumb straps that attached to the wrists of the jacket which keep the sleeves from creeping up under your gloves.

We’ve found that other bee jackets don’t have enough pockets, so we’ve designed ours with a two convenient waist pockets which allow you to store your tools while working with your bees hands-free.


Many new beekeepers ask the benefits of buying a round veil suit versus a fencing-style veil suit.  Each one will protect you from stings equally… it’s really just a matter of personal preference.  Round veils keep wiring away from your face even when kneeling and bending, and offer a wider range of view.  Fencing-style veils help keep you cooler because they don’t require a hat.

From 5 year child size, to XXXXL size.

Sizes are adjusted to USA or EU sizes.