UK National CASTELLATED SPACERS 2018-03-22T07:55:05+00:00

Project Description

UK National Castellated Frame Spacer

A galvanised metal strip with nail holes along the length for fitting and slots for spacing your frames. Castellated frame spacers can be made with a selection of holes from 8-12. 

Sheet metal plates with rectangular cut-outs that can be used in beehives to achieve an accurate spacing of frames.

Available in 0.6mm galvanised steel. For the National Hive they are available in 9,10 and 11 frame sizes and for the WBC 8 and 10. We recommend the use of this method of spacing 8 frames in a WBC super or 10 frames in a National super. It is a more practical method of frame spacing than metal or plastic ends simply because there are no ends to remove prior to extraction or if there is a need for cleaning of frame top bars. Some beekeepers space their brood frames using castellations. This is not a practice we recommend because it is not conducive to good brood management. When carrying out an inspection you require the ability to slide frames apart to look at certain combs. By using castellations this simple technique is not possible, as every frame has to be deliberately lifted for inspection.

The strips are 420 mm long, 28 mm wide with 7  1.5 mm fixing holes.

All Notches are 22 mm wide and 9 mm deep.

We advise to use 25 mm  wire nails to fix the spacers to the boxes.

9 frame: J18-B9

10 frame: J18-B10

11 frame: J18-B11