Propolis collection screen mat 2017-12-07T16:52:50+00:00

Project Description

Propolis collection screen

<100 pcs

$25per piece

≥100 pcs

$22per piece

Propolis collection is a great way to secure additional revenue from your apiary.

Simply position the high quality polythylene mat over the top of the frames in the bee hive and fit the semi-transparent cover over top to weather proof. The bees do not like the light coming through the cover and will fill the mat with Propolis quicker than any other system available.

The Technosetbee Propolis Collector System provides the most efficient means available for collecting clean, high quality propolis with minimum labour!

  • Easy to clean
  • Reusable.

The semi-transparent cover should not be used in hot sunny weather.

Depending on the bees and local conditions, this can take between one and four weeks to fill. Remove mat when full, bag it and freeze it. The Propolis mat can then be gently bent and twisted to cause the frozen lumps of Propolis to fall out into the bag.Propolis can be extracted from the screens after you place it in the freezer for 5 minutes and then shake or rub propolis with a piece of wood or your hand. The screen can collect up to 400g of propoliswithin 10-15 days depending on the fauna and the time of year. Usually applied in spring and autumn.

Bees will fill this mat with propolis which you can harvest. Simply remove mat from hive and roll to break propolis off. It is recommended to place the mat in a freezer before rolling the propolis off as it will be more easily extracted.

Dimensions: 509mm x 411mm.

Weight: 0.36 KG
