Plastic Round Bee Escape 2017-10-30T18:36:30+00:00

Project Description


Plastic Round Bee Escape

  • The round bee escape is very popular, as it is mounted either as a single or in pairs, towards the centre of the board, and has two routes of exit and works well in preventing bees from re-entering the honey supers.
  • The plastic version is preferred by some as you can hold the board up to the light and see whether there is a dead bee lodged in one of the exit routes.
  • The larger rectangular entrance opening has a perforated area in the opposite face.

A porter bee escape is used in combination with our inner cover. Its round shape fits into the center hole of the inner cover and acts as a one-way door that allows bees to leave through the bottom but won’t let them back in.

To use, simply insert the escape into the hole of your inner cover and then place the inner cover in between your honey supers and brood boxes. We recommend placing an empty shallow super under the honey supers you are taking off to give the bees more room, however, this is not necessary.

It is 119 mm in diameter and 10 mm thick, with a tapered annular track that the bees run around in two streams from the entrance hole in the top to two, almost square, exit holes in the bottom.