Plastic Clip Queen Catcher 2017-12-27T13:13:58+00:00

Project Description

Plastic Clip Queen Catcher

<200 pcs

$025per piece

≥200 pcs

$023per piece

Safely catch your queens with our spring loaded catcher. Allows workers access to the queen inside.

A plastic queen catcher. Used to gently and easily catch and hold the queen for marking or placing in a queen cage. Use this cage to handle your queen gently and prevent injury due to clumsy fingers.

This little gadget makes catching queens on the comb a breeze. The spring action snaps the cage shut around the queen and the worker bees sized slots allow them to come and go while keeping the queen inside. You will not hurt another queen while trying to isolate her.

  • Clear plastic with spring action
  • Worker-bee sized escape slats
