Narrow or Wide Plastic Bee Frame Spacer Ends 2018-04-16T15:21:15+00:00

Project Description

Narrow or Wide Plastic Bee Frame Spacer Ends

Frame spacers are used with DN1, DN2, SN1 and SN2 frames.

The decision of a wide or narrow spacer is a matter of personal choice; the narrow touch end to end giving the traditional method for brood frame spacing of 1″ 7/16′.

The wide choice is used in a staggered formation to provide a spacing of 1″ 7/8′ and is ideal for spacing in supers.

 In Red, Green, Blue, Yellow or White. Extremely durable with no sharp edges. Different colours can be used to show what year, and thus how old, your brood frame is.
International Beekeeping colour scheme:
Year ending:
1 or 6 – White
2 or 7 – Yellow
3 or 8 – Red
4 or 9 – Green
5 or 0 – Blue

Wide:  1 7/8inch.

Narrow: 1 7/16inch.

Wide: FS-01W

Narrow: FS-02N

Placed on alternate frames – these will allow 11 frames to fit in a National hive or 10 frams in a WBC hive.

50mm narrow plastic spacers to place on the ends of straight (non Hoffman) frames