HEAVY-DUTY BEE SMOKERS DOME LID 2017-12-03T15:07:01+00:00

Project Description


Pro/Jumbo size

$62per piece

Standdard size

$57per piece

Short size

42per piece

When honeybees sense smoke in the hive, they will start eating up stored honey in case they need to abandon the hive due to fire. This gorging of honey causes the abdomen to become enlarged making it harder for honeybees to sting. The smoke also camouflages alarm pheromones.

From our experience, smokers are essential tools for beekeepers. This particular stainless steel smoker is of high-quality construction. It has a domed top and removable, ventilated inner can. The ventilation allows for better air flow to keep the smoker lit longer and the removable can allows for easier cleaning. It also has a built-in hanging hook, wire shield for protection from burns and leather bellows with metal trim for extra durability.

This  heavy-duty bee smoker is made of high-quality stainless steel with the addition of heavy-duty construction elements. Perfect for the large scale beekeeper with lots of hives.
Available in 3 sizes, with the option of a removable or non-removable fire bo

BSP-6: 12″X4″

BSM-6: 11″X4″

BSS-6: 10″X3 1/2″

Pro Size: BSP-6

Standard: BSM-6

Short Size: BSS-6